Music and Worship Arts Ministry

The Music and Worship Arts Ministry serves the church and the larger community outside these walls, God continues to use many committed and dedicated singers and instrumentalists to lead the congregation in praise and worship, and serve the church whenever needed. Our Music and Worship Arts Ministry seeks to discern the flow of the Holy Spirit in each worship service and to follow the Spirit’s lead both musically and spiritually. The ministry works in unity and cooperation with our pastor and other worship leaders. Our utmost motivation and desire is to see the congregation enter into God’s presence. Our Music and Worship Arts Ministry currently includes:

  • Gladiators for Christ Praise Team

  • DL/DZ Jackson Choir

  • Liberty Chorale Ensemble

  • Silent Praise Ministry

Media Ministry

The Media Ministry’s mission is to manage audio quality during Sunday worship service, produce live media streams and recorded mediums of the worship experience. the ministry provides a way for individuals to virtually connect to others within the Liberty web community and to provide awareness of, and an invitation to, Liberty events. 


Organized in 1962, the objective of the Official Greeters is to welcome visitors to the church, with a warm and unique welcome .


The year 1925 marks the founding of the Senior Usher Board, which according to the Board's April 1960 pamphlet, was organized to solve "two main problems: 1) teaching members how to usher and 2) how to give financial support to the church.”


The Children's Church has many volunteer workers who tend to it’s attendees. Their program includes a Sunday School from 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., a Children's Activity Hour from 11 to 12 featuring Bible drills, religious movies and crafts. The Children's Church worship service is from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. with its own Ushers, Choir, Preacher, Jr. Deacons, and Jr. Trustees.